Have you ever felt the need to increase the efficiency of your car or reduce the significantly high oil consumption for you to save on costs?
You probably might have, given these times when oil prices are sky-rocketing and price hikes are being introduced every week. Your expenses for gasoline might even be reaching astronomical levels.
Through the years, especially since the first oil crisis in the 1990s when the first Iraq vs. United States conflict started, car manufacturers from Japan, the United States, Germany and elsewhere have begun the development of specially built and designed cars that would lower oil and gasoline consumption.
These cars are especially high-regarded during these times, because, apparently, gasoline has become the most essential liquid in the world, aside, of course, from drinking water.
Because car makers have always aimed to offer cars to the market that would quench consumers’ thirst for vehicles that do not mainly operate and rely on gasoline, the emergence of hybrid vehicles was made possible.
Hybrid vehicles

Hybrid cars, as manufacturers claim, are the cars of the future. That is because those cars are considered the answers to people’s prayers over the past years for vehicles that would not necessarily run on gasoline, which has prices that are so volatile due to emerging conflicts in the oil-producing countries every now and then.
Nowadays, car owners are being forced to just commute or take the public vehicles on their way to work everyday instead of using their cars because the gasoline prices are so high, that everyday use of the car would be unsustainable and most often, becoming a luxury.
In those cases, the purpose for buying or purchasing a car is breached, overlooked, neglected and unattained. For sure, cars are bought to give the buyer the convenience of going to destinations without the hassle of a public transport, which usually are tormented by delays, accidents and unlikely incidents.
No wonder, the launch of hybrid vehicles not so long ago was bombarded by promising and higher than expected sales of the cars. It is understandable that people have long awaited and anticipated the market launch of hybrid cars.
A little on the technical aspects of hybrid vehicles
Hybrid vehicles generally refer to those types of automotives or cars that run on the joint power brought about by gasoline and electricity stored in high-capacity electric batteries.
Hybrid vehicles save on fuel because there are certain times when the vehicles rely on the electric power produced by the batteries. Thus, consumption of gasoline is significantly lowered, leading to reduced oil or gasoline bills by the owner.
The technology for the manufacture of hybrid cars is continuously and consistently evolving over the years, marking significant changes, modifications and improvements time after time.
Usually, hybrid vehicles make use of rechargeable energy storage system also known as RESS which comes hand in hand with a propeller that provides fueled propulsion power.
In other countries, the term hybrid vehicle also refers to petroleum-electric hybrid cars which are also called hybrid-electric vehicle that use gasoline to feed the car’s internal combustion engines or ICEs and built-in electric batteries that provide the vehicle’s electric requirements to power the electric motors.
Giant car companies around the world have somehow embarked on a tight race to massively produce hybrid cars. The competition for such types of cars is becoming more and more intense through the years especially because there is a rising opportunity in the segment.
Opportunities do really come in time of crises so giant car makers are rushing to each offer the consumers their own hybrid car versions and models and at the same time, underpin rising demand for such cars, equating logically to higher sales and company revenues.
Japan’s Toyota Corp and Honda Corp are leading in the race to dominate the hybrid car market not just in Japan and the United States but also in other parts of the world, where people are becoming more particular about efficiencies and oil-cost downgrades.
Other car manufacturers follow suit, and it is expected that in the next couple of years, more and more hybrid vehicles are to be unveiled in the market by the two car makers and their aggressive competitors.
No wonder, because hybrid vehicles are tagged not only as oil and cost-saving cars but also as environment-friendly vehicles. Yes, you read it right.
Because hybrid vehicles have reduced gasoline consumption, it follows that smoke and greenhouse gas emissions are also significantly reduced.
Thus, purchasing hybrid vehicles is like hitting two birds in just one stone. You would practically save on gasoline and oil costs and at the same time help save the environment by reducing the rate of green house gas emissions.